Gender boy girl
Origin english french german italian spanish russian
japanese norwegian swedish finnish estonian samish
Begins with the letter(s)
Ends with the letter(s)
Number of syllables
Number of letters

The Name Machine

Looking for baby names? The Name Machine will find names for you! The database offers a variety of search options and over 10,000 names from around the world. You can find English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian and Sami names.

Search Instructions:

  • Select gender. If you select both, the Name Machine will search both boy and girl names.
  • Select one or more origins for the name.
  • You can restrict the search by entering one or more letters with which the name starts or ends, and/or the number of syllables or letters.
  • The results are displayed in three columns, and you can specify search criteria for each column. If no criteria are set, the results column will be random.
  • Click on the 'Names' button.
  • The result list will display at most 10 names in each column in random order and links to Name Statistics and Wikipedia.